Model Town Park Lahore

Green loving People’s Blog.

Caring Indoor Plants and Houseplant Growth August 3, 2008

Filed under: Indoor Gardening — modeltownparklahore @ 11:38 am


Considerable measures and cares should take for proper growth of houseplants which are temperature, humidity, fertilizers and moisture, light and soil mixtures with some pest control tips. Unnecessary cares and tags that shipped with plants seeds and bulbs cause tiresome struggles and endurances which eventually result in hesitating attitudes and evaporate your interest levels for a useful and healthy hobby. In the following lines, we are going to discuss moisture and light combinations for your houseplants cultivations.



Determining the needs of water for a specific plant is highly considerable measure to care about and in this regard, one should have keen observations of soil moistures, caused by changing weathers and humidity conditions. Because over watering a plant can cause several fungal and roots issues that would be fatal for the life of your indoor plants. You can use humidity and moisture meters for accurate checking but most of the potted plants need intervals of dryness in between watering. Over watering creates strange kind of tragic conditions in plant cells and then humid weathers do not allow them to dry up their extra consumed water through leaves and brunches of a plant grown indoor atmospheres. So we should have cares about weather conditions and should water our favorite plants in accordance to the required quantity of water that could make the soil bed moisture and soft for deep roots penetrations into soil bed of potted plants. Most of the modern indoor planting pots have a hole in the bottom to give extra water a way out and a plat like pot beneath the bottom little spaced for water level maintaining from actual plant pot. Such pots are useful to water the plant directly in the roots and a household shower that we use to moist the cloths and face or hairs, can be used to wash leaves faces and to provide moisture upper level of soil bed. This all never meant to keep your indoor plants under-watering. A balance watering with conditional weathers behaviors adoption is the best policy.


Photosynthesis is a process by which plants make their foods and store them for energy utilizations in dry and crucial weathers conditions. Plants convert sunlight with chemical reaction into plants foods and get energy through this natural phenomenon where they consume carbon dioxide for necessary chemical reactions from the air and exhaust pure oxygen as plant wastes. Light or sunlight is required as catalyst for this plants metabolism and without light; plants cannot perform this vital food making procedures. This is our duty while we grow indoor plants to keep them intact to sunlight or artificial light sources. Here we need to arrange houseplants locations indoor, where we have sunlight rays during the day or spot lights fixing up above the plants to provide them light energies. We can manage them by keeping plant pots in the open air during the day time for proper sunlight consumptions and little care need to consider that it can cause over dryness in soil. Better is to place your indoor plants near the windows and doors outlets where they could get sunlight directly or indirectly.

Indoor lights suggestions.

Fluorescent lights are excellent light quality for houseplants. Standard incandescent light bulbs do little to provide required light needs for plant growth. Cool blue fluorescent lights help green foliage plants growths, while warm and red fluorescent lights provide the light needed for blooming flowers. Such fluorescent lights are easily available in ready to fix packing and manage light issues for indoor plants growths.












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